
Do The Cigarette Filters Appear To Beã¢â‚¬â€¹ Effective?

Why Are Cigarette Butts Dangerous?

Cigarette butts contain a plastic filter and the remnants of a smoked cigarette. The white cigarette filters that look like white cotton are called cellulose acetate.

By itself, cellulose acetate is difficult to degrade in the environs. Depending on the place where the cigarette butt is discarded, they take around 18 months to 10 years to be decomposed.

Moreover, discarded cigarette butts are full of toxins, which can pollute the ground and waterways, farther damaging the environment and all living organisms that came into contact with it. Most filters are discarded with $.25 of tobacco still attached to them, of which contain nicotine.

To make matters worse, smokers admit that they litter cigarette butts. A survey by Keep America Beautiful (KAB) revealed that 77% of respondents did not call back of cigarette butts equally litter. They also probably think that these butts are degradable, hence the heavy littering.

Facts About Cigarette Butts Waste

An estimated 5.six trillion cigarettes are smoked each yr, and two-thirds of them are improperly disposed of. In some other word, around 4.5 trillion butts enter the environment annually.

In fact, since the 1980s, cigarette butts accounted for 30% to twoscore% of all the litter that was found in coastal and urban clean-ups.

In Australia, an estimated 8 million litters of cigarette butts ended up equally marine debris. In Victoria, for example, around 350,000 butts are washed into Port Philip Bay annually.

In seawater, cigarette butts volition need at to the lowest degree five years to break downwardly. Similar to plastic, birds and aquatic animals often fault cigarette butts for nutrient, which acquired them to digest these butts that might lead to serious problems and even death.

Impacts of cigarette butts to marine animals. Source:

Not to mention the toxic chemicals that are contained in the discarded butts, namely pb and cadmium. Once they enter the water, they tin contaminate the aquatic surroundings and threaten marine life.

Impacts of cigarette butts to marine animals. Source:

Concluding but not least, the cost of cleaning cigarette butts waste product is expensive. A San Fransisco audit study reported that the cost of cleaning up cigarette butts is estimated to be more than 7 million dollars annually. What's more, taxpayers and local regime are the ones who bear the cost.

What Can be Done

Addressing the problem of cigarette butts waste means addressing the root of the problem, one of which is how smokers kept littering their cigarette butts.

One constructive and simple way is to enforce fines for disposing of cigarette butts inappropriately, like how information technology is applied in Singapore. In addition, teaching for smokers and the general public regarding the danger of cigarette butts besides demand to be done in order to increment their awareness. This can be done in the class of an interactive campaign or through public advertizing.

A creative example of a waste bin for disposing of cigarette butts. Source:

Another effective way is to provide a special waste bin for cigarette butts in both formal and informal smoking areas such as outside of stores, building, bus stops, and parking lot.

Another matter that you can practice is to check on your local waste material recycling company on whether they accept cigarette butts waste or not. If you alive in Dki jakarta and its surrounding cities (Tangerang, Bekasi, Bogor, Depok), you can send your cigarette butts waste matter to Waste4Change via the Send Your Waste Plan.

An example of how y'all tin pack the cigarette butts. Photo credit: Jasmin Sessler/Unsplash

Make sure that the cigarette butts are dry and packed neatly. Also, do not mix it with other types of waste product. Yous can send your discarded cigarette butts up until Jan 2021.

All in all, the all-time fashion to reduce the trouble of cigarette butts is to stop smoking altogether. However, if you cannot quit smoking, at least you can be responsible for the waste that you produce.


Cigarette Butts Pollution Project: Simply the Facts 2013

Do The Cigarette Filters Appear To Beã¢â‚¬â€¹ Effective?,


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